Unique products,
therefore not perfect

Craftsmanship is a true art form, a set of knowledge and techniques handed down from generation to generation, and it is something we must defend and cherish as the most precious thing that can exist. The value of a handcrafted product is precisely that of being ‘unique’ in its completeness. Small imperfections can be seen as ‘flaws’ or as merits, it always depends on the beholder. If the choice is to buy a handmade product then you have to be aware that you are buying a unique but imperfect piece, and that is what makes it special.

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What does it mean to buy a handmade product?

Buying a handmade product should be a conscious choice. It involves selecting mostly handmade items, opting for non-industrial and non-mass-produced goods, and buying a product that stands out as a unique piece.

It is precisely the uniqueness, originality, and attention to detail that make each artisanal product different from the others.

The manufacturing process of Edelweiss 1970 collections is carried out using traditional craftsmanship techniques, which is why it is highly unlikely to find two identical products. Furthermore, what an untrained eye might perceive as ‘minor imperfections’ are actually testaments to craftsmanship and quality.

These imperfections may include small black dots, surface irregularities, noticeable color variations among similar products, slight brushstroke marks, variations in the placement of decorations between one object and another, roughness on the backside, minor irregularities in contact parts, concentrated color in naturally deposited areas, color seepage at accumulation points, differences in color for wooden components, residual casting points, joining marks between different elements or small blemishes, weight disparities, size variations, and (for products containing liquids) minor seepage resulting in slight enamel loss that does not affect their functionality.

All these occur because human hands are involved in the production of all Edelweiss 1970 products. Airbrush coloring, brush decoration, firing in ovens under different batches and atmospheric conditions unavoidably give rise to some of the aforementioned characteristics.

These characteristics are inherent features of our products that contribute to their unique style and distinguish them from many others.

Despite the provided warnings, you may still come across things that you didn’t expect: a plate with cracks on its surface, one slightly greener than the others, or one with a distinctly irregular shape.

How should one behave when faced with an artisanal product?

What to do? It is necessary to carefully analyze the situation, trying to understand if these inconsistencies are due to an actual defect or the fact that we are dealing with artisanally made items.

On the website, you will find explanations regarding the craftsmanship of some of our collections, but in case you have further doubts, customer support will be available to explain what a handmade product signed by Edelweiss 1970 should be like.

Lastly, we suggest asking yourself some questions (also helpful during the purchasing phase):

Do I appreciate craftsmanship? Do I know what it means?

Do I want a handmade product even if it won’t be perfect? And especially, it will never be identical to other similar items?

Do I understand that perfection is, by nature, the exact opposite of craftsmanship? Do I want perfection at all costs?

And if the answer is yes, perhaps craftsmanship is not the right fit for me